
considerably. I had quite a few affairs with girl stu- dents at the college, but most did not last very long. I now became involved with a girl whom I shall call Betty, and was soon on an intimate basis with her. She was about a year older than I, very attractive, and had lovely hair which fell below her shoulders (one of the reasons why I had first made her acquaintance). She came from a family not short of money, and not the least of her assets, owned a sports car and had a flat of her own. She was the type of girl who wanted excitement or "kicks" and was to say the least promiscious, although on a selective basis. We seemed to "click" or at least to complement each other, and if not actually in love we were more than usually attracted, and it was a far deeper affair than any I had been involved in so far. Here is the sequence as near as I can recall, which led to my experiments with TV.

Because of my "beatnik" attitudes, life with my pa- rents was getting more and more difficult, especially over my growing hair. Perhaps because of his general impatience with me, among other things, father began to accuse me of going "queer", and that no son of his was going to be a disgrace to him. When I mentioned that I was not his son, it led to more hostility. Along with this, I seemed to have nothing in common with my parents, probably more through youthful egotism than fact, I considered myself to be of far superior intellig- ence to both of them, and especially considered my fa- ther to be coarse and stupid.

Finally, after a few more rows with my parents, came an ultimatim to mend my ways or leave home. Sort of a "Never darken our doors again" scene. When I told Betty of this, she immediately suggested that I move into her flat. I cheerfully did so, leaving my pa- rents, without much regrets on either side.

Now that I had moved in with Betty my leanings to TVism became more worrying to me. Seeing all her things around presented me with a great temptation, but I did not dare chance experimenting with them. I was still very ashamed of these desires, and certainly did not want her to know of them. Meanwhile I could get by with at least having longish hair, which offered me